
About us.

Rotary Pi was founded by myself, Balram S. Trivedi. I dropped out of medical school, because I simply couldn’t see how the game controller design has remained fundamentally unchanged for the past 3 decades.

Since 1972 with the release of the Magnavox Odyssey, as invented by Ralph Baer, the inventor of the video game machine. All the way to 1997, with the release of the PlayStation DualShock Controller with dual-analogue sticks, the game controller has undergone several design iterations.

Few have questioned the design of the game controller since the advent of eSports (SCUF, Razer, Nacon and Thrustmaster). And nobody has questioned the design of the game controller since the dawn of Live Service games, both being newfound realities of the modern game industry. Especially since 2017, with the release of successful live service games such as: PUBG, Fortnite, Call of Duty: Warzone, Genshin Impact, Fall Guys and others.

Thousands game development studios, employing anywhere between one to hundreds of employees, are struggling. They simply cannot produce sufficient revenue solely via game sales, and would thus be dependent on in-game purchases to stay afloat.

We hope to reinvent the game controller so that in-game purchases are far more easily accessible to the gamer. Thus in-app spending would prove more appealing to the gamer, thanks to smart game controller design.

See my pitch deck here. 🙂

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4.0 based on feedback from over 1,500 users


Relevant domains registered

skill-secret.com, shankerscrolls.com, rotarybezels.com, they all lead here.


Innovative IP Filed

We have registered designs, and priority dates for utility patents. As well as Incorporations and Trademarks. Many more upcoming.


Startups launched

We are a startup, and this is where we begin. Gaming will never be the same.

Our Amazing Team

Our expert team ensures elegant, functional and visually pleasing rotary bezel components. It will be hard to go back to traditional gamepads once you’ve tried it.

Founder & CEO

Balram – London, UK

Gaming was my one escape during a childhood of daily domestic violence, for years-on-end, and so I care so damn much about this startup. It WILL launch, even if it kills me.

Note: This space will fill up as the months go by.